Get Your Music Funded! Become A Premiere Artist On SongBacker


Get your music video project funded! Looking for musicians to sign up to be Premiere Artists on Song Backer!

Instead of music publishers deciding what’s a hit — you get to. We’re all about empowering Artists (musicians) and Backers (fans) to support the music they want to create and hear. At, Artists have a better way to build their fan base, share their music and videos, and get paid — while Backers can bid on and support their favorite musicians in a unique Direct-To-Fan experience.

Just like the YouTube video-access-for-all revolution, Song Backer brings democracy to the music industry. Artists are in full creative control of their own music and how much they charge for it. Backers get to help fund the Artists they like and request cover songs … in exchange for bragging rights and cool incentives. There are no complicated contracts or hidden fees. It’s transparent, simple, easy.

Revolutions take time. This is only the beginning. Whether you’re an Artist, Backer, or just someone who is on the cutting edge, you can be a part of the revolution now. A new day is coming. Be there. Your music. Redefined.


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