(Review) Claus Zinger – When You Fall

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=911511731 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 t=3] On “When You Fall”, the eclectic Claus Zinger delivers a symphonic mix with an 80’s pop anthem feel.  Claus blends his unique voice over the well layered electronic music with ease, in this feel free, feel good indie pop song. “When You…


EXCLUSIVE: ” You Got To Understand, Meek Mill Is Signed To A Former Correctional Officer”

[After recently adding Philadelphia rap veteran Cassidy to his Chinga Chang Records, label head Daniel Herman tells SOHH readers if he’s concerned about Cass’ current feud with Maybach Music Group’s Meek Mill.]   Meek Mill is a whole different level of hip-hop. You got to understand, Meek Mill is signed to…
