(Review) Dynasty Clique – Eskimo (Nose To Nose) ft. Jersey Brown


When I first heard Dynasty Clique’s new track introduce itself with the phrase,  “Let’s rub nose to nose like Eskimos without our clothes”, I immediately thought, “Hmm, these guys are on to something”. Make no mistake, “Nose To Nose” is most certainly a dance-rap record. It samples a club hip-hop beat, the song is about hooking up with a girl after meeting her at a club, the whole nine yards. And guess what?  It’s all working for them. I have to say, every time I give Dynasty Clique’s “Nose to Nose” a fresh listen, I find gems that remind me that this group is actually funny, smart, and might even be kinda cool.

First off, I can’t get the chorus out of my head, which is always a good sign. Something about the comedic turn from the wholesome cuteness of eskimo kissing to the raunchiness that comes with suddenly nude eskimo kissing is hilarious to me. I keep singing it at my computer with a giant smile on my face. Kudos on that one, fellas.  Also, the phrase “feeling so drunk off your pheromone potion” and the brief cameo of the word “pernicious” tells me that Dynasty Clique were the kind of guys in school who always got their homework done before they hit the dance floor (it’s all very “Fame” in my mind, actually). Anyway, they definitely have the “catchiness” factor needed to garner that crucial second and third listen along the road to a DJ booth near you.

Throughout, Dynasty Clique seems never to lose the semblance of urbanity that permeates “Nose to Nose”. These guys aren’t really trying to disrespect the women they woo at the end of the day. After all, the group makes an effort to verify that they’re okay with not having sex on the first night because, as they say, “you’re worth it”. I mean, c’mon, ladies, they don’t make ‘em like this anymore do they? The song’s feature verse provided by Jersey Brown does credit to the beat and gives “Nose To Nose” an edginess that definitely enhances it overall. These guys appear very comfortable in their lane and ended up putting together a pretty fun song as a result of that comfort. Good on ya!

–        iLikeZach

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  1. Pingback: Eskimos (Nose to Nose) is officially a hit | Dynasty Clique

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