(Review) Lesley Shannelle – Just Can’t Stop


Lesley Shannelle has done well with her recent record “Just Can’t Stop”. The song very neatly stakes a claim in the Praise Music category with an upbeat R&B rhythm and electronic instrumentation. Meanwhile Lesley Shannelle’s voice is able to relay for the listener all the wonder she feels in her devotion to God. From a musical perspective she hits the mark well and has succeeded in creating a song that can really standout among the noise.

The thesis of the song is unabashed. “Just Can’t Stop” attempts to openly praise God, happily and with many unique turns of phrase, providing the opportunity for the singer to share her joy at having the capacity to do so.  I’ll admit, there is a kind of Sister Act moment that occurs when the refrain chimes in with “give it up, give it up, give it up to ya” referring to the enthusiastically offering of praise to God. However there is a charisma to that moment as well, an invitation to join in with the chorus and experience the feelings that the singer has.

The beat on this song withholds some of the more liquid bass present in contemporary R&B in favor of a more behind the walls sub bass fidelity. The production choice proves to be a great one. Ms. Shannelle is able to allow the varied iterations of her vocal recording to remain present in the foreground of the listening experience. It is in this way that the lyrics of the song are able to transcend the cliché of oft-repeated praise music tropes and becomes primarily just a good song to listen to. I like it.

–          iLikeZach

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