[News] Lottery fever hits a pitch, as Digiindie offers FREE tickets!

With the nationwide Megamillion’s jackpot at a record shattering $500 million dollars as of March 28th, the whole country has lotto fever even on the internet. Social media networks like Twitter and Facebook, have been all abuzz about it. It seems as though everyone is putting in their 2 cents, or better yet their dollars for a shot at the big prize.

The indie entertainment and digital promotion website, Digiindie has even caught the fever and is offering FREE Megamillions tickets with EACH item ordered! That means, if you order lets say, the deal for 5,000 Youtube Views and 10,000 Twitter Followers, you’d get 2 FREE tickets! Just enter the discount code “MEGALOTTO” during your checkout to receive your free quick pick tickets.

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